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Teacher Resources

As I move throughout my teaching career, I run across a variety of resources regarding state and federal educator standards, great teaching ideas from my colleagues in the field of education and some basic technology tools for developing lessons and curriculum.  Please do be aware that my philosophy is one of share and share alike which means that if I post it here, you are free to use it for educational purposes for free as long as you do not use it for financial gain.  Check back frequently as new material is being added all the time.  

Educator Standards


Trained in California under No Child Left Behind laws, I am a standards-based teacher.  Now, with the move to the new Common Core State Standards, I'm finding it to be an easy transition. We all want our students to be ready for college when they graduate from our schools and to be able to complete for the best jobs whether they be around the world or in our back yard.  The goal for CCSS is to even the playing field for students from Ohio to Oregon.

Click on the image to the left to see a brief video on what the Common Core State Standards are all about.

Teaching Ideas


In early 2013, with the introduction of the Common Core Standards in conjunction with Smarter Balance assessments, the philosophy of teaching a mile wide and an inch deep gave way to the philosophy of teaching a mile deep and only an inch wide.  This paradigm shift changes the focus on how much is being taught to how well what is being taught is covered.  By having a deeper understanding, it is possible to better apply it to the world around us.  The focus turns to critical thinking and problem-solving skills; the ability to analyze and think critically means learning retains excitement and intellectual stimulation.  As a teacher, it is exciting to be a part of this change as rote memorization succumbs to knowing how to figure things out in real world terms.

Technology Tools 


As a technology geek, this section may cover all sorts of technological aids from video tutorials, to graphics, to lessons that utilize mobile devices in the classroom.  As it develops, items will become more organized, but for now it is just a list of tools that I found helpful or interesting.

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